Blog: Madison Eagles on last weekend's SHIMMER tapings

The weekend just past saw the first weekend of SHIMMER Women Athletes shows of 2012 come and go in the USA. Coming off the end of last year, losing the SHIMMER title and subsequently injuring my right knee, unfortunately I was not a part of them. And trust me, I held out hope until the last possible moment to make that decision, hoping for some sort of modern day miracle to occur just like I had in the past with my many other injuries. I even thought that maybe if I could just out up with the pain for the weekend I might be able to compete, but my knee is too unstable when straightened and the thought of re injuring it at the cost of my pride just didn’t make sense (even thought my pride can sometimes seem like Godzilla).

So what did I do leading up to the weekend? I trolled! I sat on my computer and figured out all the girls that were going to take part on the show, sat amazed, thinking what kind of match-ups there would be, and took my pick on whether I thought the Champions would retain their titles or not. So to break it down, I was acting like a fan.

So what did I do the weekend of the shows? I hit refresh on my iPhone’s internet about a hundred times!!! Excited to see what matches the SHIMMER office had come up with, deciding whether or not I would have booked them that way or not, swearing at my internet connection for not letting me see who were winning the Title matches fast enough. Again, I was acting like a fan. But why shouldn’t I? I love SHIMMER. It’s where I went to spread my name worldwide, and it and the girls gave me the kind of matches that helped me win the 2011 PWI Female 50. I love SHIMMER because it really does bring so many women from across the World together to compete. Many of the girls are my best friends, and I love watching them wrestle, whether it be on the screen backstage, on the TV once I get the DVDs or when I am face to face across the ring from them. And yes I do have my favorites, the ones who (as I read the match reviews) I cross my fingers for hoping they had an awesome match and that I fist pump for when I find out they won a big match up or title.

And then there are the girls I really wish I was there to see how they went because they are the ones I always feel the most sense of pride about, and although it sounds generic, it’s the girls from my home country that I have worked with and helped trained. Jessie McKay and Kellie Skater are always the ones I like to help out every time I go to shimmer. Whether it be beforehand with move ideas, giving them feedback on their matches, or just generally looking out for each other. I always have knots in my stomach when watching them because you can’t help but feel the sense of hope that they won’t stuff up, that they and their opponent don’t butt heads (figuratively and literally), and that they come out of the match no worse for wear. But on top of that, this time around I was crossing my fingers hoping that SHIMMER’s newest debutante Shazza McKenzie would do well in her first outing. Now when it comes to new girls in SHIMMER they often do one of two things. They either step up to the plate and show everyone what they have got, or they screw up, too nervous with the pressure of working for such a predominant company as well as being in the presence of such top performers. And although I wasn’t there (which makes everything all the more nerve wracking) I have yet to hear a bad thing about how Shazza performed over the weekend. Now hopefully that doesn’t change, and when it comes to sitting down and watching the DVDs, she will prove to be one of the more successful debuts.

Now after losing the/my belt to my arch nemesis, Cheerleader Melissa, at the October 2011 weekend of SHIMMER shows, I thought that she would retain the championship this past weekend, but lo and behold a spanner was thrown into the works. Nobody can hold a championship forever, and being a champion you only hope that when you do lose it, it is in a standout match against a tough opponent. There was a lot of hype when I won the belt, be it good or bad, since I had really come from left field to get it. And although losing to Melissa sucked, it was going to happen eventually, the way she didn’t give up fighting to get her spot as number one contender, we all saw her desire and new it was merely a matter of time. So when I heard Saraya Knight had won the title I was surprised… but most of all I was excited. Not only had she won it from my most hated opponent, she had done it legitimately. Both Saraya and I are very similar in many ways, so I know how mentally tough she is, and I almost felt sorry for Melissa, having such a furious storm chasing after her because no matter what she did, Saraya would not give up the chase until she either lost or won, and for me, happily it was the latter. I definitely see Saraya as a massive threat to anyone she steps in the ring with, and no matter what anyone thinks I am proud she is my SHIMMER Champion because she really is an asset to wrestling and I can’t wait until I am either by her side or facing her from the other side of that SHIMMER ring.

All in all I really wish I had been there, because as much as I am a wrestler I am also a fan. I loved getting the live updates off Ringbelles, and hearing Stew’s review of the matches and show really helped me not be even more heartbroken I couldn’t be there. And as some of you might know I had a video message played at the tapings, summing up why I wasn’t there and the no matter how long it takes I’ll be back in the SHIMMER ring, and that’s the truth. No matter if it takes me another three months to heal, or until the end of the year, or even the start of 2013 to be back in the ring, I know I’ll be back, because with hope and persistence, my drive won’t let me not get back in there. I just can’t imagine having wrestled my last match, and there is always that little bit more you want to accomplish in your career, and I know that my sound selfish since I have already done more than most will, but it’s in my nature to never be satisfied.

Until we meet again… au revoir my friends.

— Madison Eagles

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3 thoughts on “Blog: Madison Eagles on last weekend's SHIMMER tapings

  1. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you, Madison as you are Australia’s Queen of Wrestling. Great promo last weekend by the way. Loved all of it.

    Also,I really hope you return soon and face the new champ Sweet Saraya for the title or mentor Shazza and Jessie in the tag team ranks. Would be awesome to see it happen.

    Get well soon, Ms. Eagles. Good day.


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